Resplendent Hero Distributed until 4/9 22:59 (PT)
- Proven Professor
- Byleth
Resplendent Hero Distributed from 4/9 23:00 to 4/24 22:59 (PT)
- The Future
- Edelgard
Previously Distributed Resplendent Heroes
Here are the Resplendent Heroes that were previously distributed. If you have not yet subscribed to Feh Pass, these Resplendent Heroes can be purchased individually after joining.
- Highborn Flier
- Clair
- Luminous Lancer
- Quan
- Marquess Pherae
- Eliwood
- Lass from Afar
- Morgan
- Light of Nohr
- Camilla
- The Schemer
- Claude
- Imperial Ascent
- Alm
- Pale Flower
- Nino
- Queen of Dawn
- Micaiah
- Sheathed Steel
- Laegjarn
- The Protector
- Dimitri
- Middle Whitewing
- Catria
- Wildflower
- Rebecca
- Black Tempest
- Haar
- Dark Shadow
- Tharja
- Silver Knight
- Seth
- Knight Exalt
- Chrom
- Warrior Princess
- Hinoka
- Astra's Wielder
- Ayra
- Bewitching Beauty
- Camilla
- Fell Reincarnation
- Robin
- Sinister General
- Black Knight
- Focused Samurai
- Hana
- Brave Warrior
- Hector
- Cutting Wit
- Selena
- Warrior Priestess
- Celica
- Shrewd Strategist
- Soren
- Brave Princess
- Veronica
- Hungering Mage
- Ilyana
- Sacred Twin Lord
- Ephraim
- Naga's Voice
- Tiki
- Carefree Monk
- Azama
- Sword Student
- Fir
- Princess of Gra
- Sheena
- Uplifting Artist
- Shigure
- Blue Crow
- Ursula
- Black Magician
- Rhajat
- Lad from Afar
- Morgan
- Fierce Halberdier
- Nephenee
- The Light
- Lucius
- Eye Spy
- Nina
- Mystery Tactician
- Robin
- Holy Knight
- Sigurd
- Oracle of Destiny
- Ninian
- Ruler of Flame
- Surtr
- Etrurian General
- Cecilia
- Dark One
- Aversa
- Eldest Whitewing
- Palla
- Brave Lady
- Lyn
- Regal Strategician
- Innes
- Brave Lion
- Roy
- Fateful Princess
- Corrin
- Altean Archer
- Gordin
- Brave Princess
- Lucina
- Potent Force
- Odin
- Lady of Blades
- Mia
- Angel of Death
- Jaffar
- Budding Flower
- Elise
- Perfect Shot
- Jeorge
- Divine Dragon
- Fae
- Restoration Lord
- Ephraim
- Solitary Blade
- Lon'qu
- Princess of Light
- L'Arachel
- Fateful Prince
- Corrin
- Sword Vassal
- Karla
- Faithful Spy
- Matthew
- Army of One
- Effie
- Candy Stealer
- Gaius
- Devoted Heart
- Faye
- Driven Mercenary
- Saber
- Lionheart's Sister
- Lachesis
- Dramatic Heroine
- Ophelia
- Heir of Light
- Seliph
- Sharp Soldier
- Lukas
- Lady of the Forest
- Deirdre
- Lovely Flier
- Florina
- Junior Whitewing
- Est
- Thunder Goddess
- Ishtar
- Eternal Youth
- Nowi
- Peerless Samurai
- Ryoma
- Outspoken Cleric
- Serra
- Honorable Ninja
- Kagero
- Sprightly Flier
- Shanna
- Zephyr
- Sothe
- Thunder Noble
- Tailtiu
- Vengeful Mage
- Sonya
- Peerless Fighter
- Raven
- Rose of the War
- Amelia
- Wind Mage
- Merric
- Caring Princess
- Celica
- Exalted Prince
- Chrom
- Pious Mage
- Nino
- Prince of Leonster
- Leif
- Delightful Noble
- Lilina
- Priestess of Dawn
- Micaiah
- Thunder's Fist
- Reinhardt
- Lost Princess
- Elincia
- Winged Princess
- Tana
- Brave Mercenary
- Ike
- Dragon Scion
- Tiki
- Lionheart
- Eldigan
- Free Spirit
- Delthea
- Cruel to Be Kind
- Niles
- Future Witness
- Lucina
- Altean Prince
- Marth
- Talys's Heart
- Caeda
- Wild Card
- Takumi
- Naga's Blood
- Julia
- Hero of Prophecy
- Alm
- Restoration Lady
- Eirika
- Blue Mage Knight
- Olwen
- High Deliverer
- Robin
- Red Dragoon
- Minerva
- Light Mage
- Linde
- Young Lion
- Roy
- Begnion's Apostle
- Sanaki
- General of Ostia
- Hector
- Knight of Lycia
- Eliwood
- Lady of the Lake
- Azura
- Nabata Prophet
- Sophia
- Young Mercenary
- Ike
- Knight Paragon
- Cordelia
- Lady of the Plains
- Lyn